Our Loving Dogs in Prince Edward County, Ontario
ASKER is our youngest traditional Yorkie girl, born here. We hope she will have her first litter in the next 6 months or so. She is Chipper and can entertain herself with a stuffie or a sock and keep me in stitches! She is bold and brave, but cautions with “new” people. She fancies herself a hunter (we live in the country) she has yet to catch a mouse!
ANGEL What a loving silly girl. She was my first imported Biewer. If I wasn’t hooked before, she’d have gotten me! Her love knows no bounds, and respects no boundaries. She is 5 pounds of “let me snuggle you “!
DIAMOND is my latest import from Europe. She is a purebred Biewer. She loves everyone and everything. She is friendly and energetic. She snuggles, plays and makes me laugh out loud daily! She can be a little chatty, but normally a quick snuggle is all she wants. She isn’t an alarm dog, and certainly not a watchdog. She will show you where the treats are and not let you go until you give her one!WINDY
WINDY is a ‘parti-gold dust’, she is a Biewer/Yorkie mix, the Biewer is where that colour variation comes from. She is the best lap companion ever. Quirky and silly, she won’t eat if I’m watching her. She’s such a little lady, she doesn’t want me to see her chewing with her mouth open, I guess
DIESEL is the patriarch of the household. He stands (all 4 pounds of him) blocking the door until everyone comes in/out through it. He loves to be on our laps, or very close, but isn’t a big fan of cuddles. Diesel was a truckin’ dog and loyal companion for my husband for day trips. He has a “Regal” air to him, when he isn’t bouncing around with the puppies!
ANGUS is a purebred Biewer, born here. He is young and energetic. He has extremely expressive eyes and ears, and an amazing spirited smile. He is generous with his attention and loves to entertain. He empties the toy box to select the exact item he wants. He is reluctant to meet new people, unless it is his idea.